Make sure you have read John's book, "
Laugh and Cry
Read the following life-changing truths from John and Pattie Chappell:
A Passion for His Word
Faithful Stewardship
Financial Breakthrough by Sowing in Famine
Financial Prosperity Scriptures
Giving is the Key to Everything
Faith Scriptures for Healing, Prosperity, and Protection
Healing Scriptures
Hearing the Voice of God
How to Get Your Loved Ones Saved
How to Keep Your Healing
Is God the Father good?
Marriage Success - Five Love Languages
The Sabbath Principle
How to Get More Inner Healing for You or Others
Our Spiritual Authority
Overcoming Depression, Fear, Worry, and Anger in 21 Days
Pleading the Blood
Pride versus Humility
The Sabbath Principle
Why do Bad Things Happen To Us?
The Blessings of Tithing
The Blessings of Fasting
The Blessings of Being a Forgiver
The Favor of God
Warfare against Territorial Spirits
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and How to Receive It
Why Speak in Other Tongues?
The Christlike Life
This is Your Day to be Healed
Travail and Self-Travail
Articles in other languages:
Ja, DU kannst die Stimme Gottes hren (Hearing the Voice of God in German)
21 Dias Para Vivir en la Presencia Gloriosa de Dios (21 Day Program of Living in His Glorious Presence in Spanish)
Como Mantener tu Sanamiento (How to Keep Your Healing in Spanish)
Implorando La Sangre De Jesus, Es La Lave Para La Proteccion De Nosotros Y Nuestra Familia (Pleading the Blood in Spanish)